My Motto-Dealing with the Burdens of Life

*If you can't be kind, talk shit w/ your girlfriends or at least have the decency to be vague. *Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once. *Remember "I" before "E" except in Budweiser. *A professional is a person who can do "her" best at a time when "she" doesn't particularly feel like it. *A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Moving day and more....

It's Monday and I've never been happier to see the beginning of the week. The year had started off good until about a week and 1/2 ago. I think that's because Raych and I didn't have a home yet to move into but miracles do happen. And boy, let me tell you that this one was good. In a week we found a new home and when I say new, I mean it was just built, never lived in, no sexual deeds, no vomitting parties, nothing.... But let me break it down for you on how my week went.

  1. It started good because we got this beautiful home. Then we had to meet the 3rd party members that were handling the paperwork for the original owner and god bless them because they are family friends but they're Asian. I don't think they understood one word were trying to discuss with them about the contract. For all I know, I could have signed up for free manicures and all-you-can eat buffets.
  2. After getting that taken care of, I'm stressing over the fact that I'm actually going to have to move, while I go to school, go to work, be a mother and find a fricken vehicle that I can use to carry all the shit I have. I could've strapped the kid, I mean the boxes to the roof of my 2-door Nissan.
  3. While the stress factor has kicked in, my body decides to throw in a cold sore, instead of a fricken zit. I swear that's all that it is. It takes making out with someone to get anything else and if you all remember I'm not good in that area. So, while we have all these people in and out of our old house, I'm walking around with tissue stuck to my cold sore, so the impression that I cut myself shaving is in everyone else's mind. Like that's what I was going for!!
  4. Then as I already have a full schedule, I figure what the hell and throw in a blind date....fungus and all. He had been wanting to meet, and I mean he, as in John(a new John). He's a pilot for the Air Force and I knew his schedule was just as busy as mine. So, 10:30pm on Thursday I'm out knocking back a few cold ones. I actually needed that. Too bad he doesn't know that Raych works for Kirtland Air Force Base and I had her look him up. Is that not normal???? At least I know what kind of underwear he wears....just kidding.
  5. Now it's the weekend and we're completely out of the old house but I still have my stuff in storage, which is about 20 miles away, one way. And I still don't have the vehicle space except for my little ol grandpa's 1932 Ford. I had to go from Uhaul to Uhaul, with tissue stuck to my face to find an available trailer. But yeah, I got one. It was a Kodak moment though, because my dad(who isn't a little guy), my uncle, and I were all crammed in the front of the truck like we just crossed the border....we were just missing the colorful beads across the front of the windshield.
  6. I finished about 5pm on Saturday and with the exception, of my father complaining about puking in the truck, my mother calling me 10 times asking if I need help after she's knocked back a few, and worrying about the tissue stuck to my lips, it didn't go too bad. I then treated my dad to a few beers, which was a mistake after he announced to the bar that his daughter had her boobs done. He sounded like Rachel on New Year's. I think he just said that because of the young guy sitting next to him. I love my father......always thinking about his daughter's love life.

So, this concludes my exciting week. I now have to finish unpacking, reorganizing and decorating. That might just be another blog. Although, Rachel might blog sooner about that subject, especially if she doesn't like where I put shit.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

"Quiz Me"

I had one of those days that really made me depressed. I'm not an overly emotional person but you know those days that come along that make you want to cry or get frustrated over something petty for no apparant reason. That was today. It all stemmed from that fact that maybe I'm trying too hard to hold onto a non-existing relationship. When I mentioned before that I wasn't seeing John, I meant it. But when his consistency in pet names and short text messages, with "I miss you" or " I've been thinking about", show up, what else am I supposed to think? I always thought girls(as in 8th grade) were the difficult ones when it came to relationships. You know playing games of some sort. I know deep down that I might be telling myself that I'm okay being alone, I mean I did tell him that it's not going to work out, but a small part of me, believes that's not the reason I am alone. Somewhere along the line, the men I date choose not to go on with a relationship because there has to be something I don't see about myself that they do. For heaven's sake, my 19 year sister with 2 kids just got engaged and my brother just proposed to a woman with 3 kids and no real job. I can't even get someone serious enough to give me a letter with "will you be my girlfriend? check yes or no".

I don't want to dwell on the situation but it does eat at me sometimes and I don't really know what to do. I guess this is what happens when you spend majority of your 1st dating years with the same person. So, with the lack of knowledge in dating, I decided to look other places for answers to maybe why I'm single or to how I'm perceived by the opposite sex. Knock yourself out on trying to figure out my dilimma and if you do, please leave a comment on some sort of resolution.
These are a few quizzes to give you the reader a glimpse at who I am as a person and a possible significant other.
Discover Your Sexual Personality
As a Phi, you have a good sense of yourself and your sexuality. You know how to turn on the sex appeal when it suits your needs, and have a fair amount of confidence when it comes to your sexual performance.

The Classic IQ Test
Your IQ score is 127
Your Intellectual Type is Precision Processor. This means you're exceptionally good at discovering quick solutions to problems, especially ones that involve math or logic. You're also resourceful and able to think on your feet. You place into the intellectual category as people like Bill Gates.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
A Steady Supporter
Stand by your man — that's just something you naturally do. Once you've committed to a relationship, you are a constant companion who enjoys the comfort and stability that comes from being a couple. Not quick to judge, accuse, or think the worst, you have a lot of trust (in him and in yourself), and you rarely worry about where he is or who he's with.For you, mutual respect is of utmost importance. You are comfortable and confident in your own skin, making you a great pillar of strength in all your relationships. Whether he's striving to climb a mountain or land a promotion, you have his back. Best part is, you know he's got yours too.

What Are You Looking for in a Relationship?
You're looking for a Best Friend
There are many different ways to look at relationships, but for you, finding a best friend, the one person you share everything with, is the most important. Some people focus more on the romantic image of a soul mate to last the span of time, but you probably prefer the reality of making the most of every moment of every day. And who better to live those moments with than someone who's true blue through and through?The ideal match for you is probably someone who can anticipate the next word out of your mouth and who laughs at the punch line before you even tell it. Chances are it's important to you that they'd expand your circle of friends, introduce you to new places, faces, and experiences, too. Whether this relationship is here for the short- or the long- term, you're a take-it-as-it-comes kind of person, with few expectations or fairytales to live up to. You'd take your constant companion and trusted secret-keeper over a fairy princess or Prince Charming, any day. Whether you realize it or not, there's someone out there who feels the same way about you. Like you, that someone is looking for the one person to be their best friend — both in the bedroom and out.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Backseat Drivers

Have you ever drove with those people that sit in the back and criticize every damn move you make on the road? Or the ones that pretend there's a brake pedal on the passenger side with the o'shit handles? Well, just imagine that trip everytime you drive with someone. And that someone has a name.....Rachel! She's not as bad as my grandma, I mean at least she can talk and drive at the sametime. Now, my grandmother, god bless her soul, is horizontally challenged. If she looks at you when she's driving, she somehow turns the wheel in the opposite direction. Rachel on the other hand, is vertically challenged. She's all of about 5'1' and she owns a Jeep Cherokee. Thank god that thing came with it's own phone books to sit on. When I'm with her driving, which is most of the time, I try to play it cool. I don't step on my pretend brake too much and I keep away from the handle but I'm always looking beside me because from what I remember, Pac-Man used to be a video game not one you play with a vehicle.

It's pretty amazing though, because she looks cute driving(and not 90 yr old Aunt Ethel, cute) but cute as in I'm-tiny-with-this-big-ass vehicle, cute. Plus, she hasn't really hit anyone.....yet! I think the only time when she really loses focus, is when my son is in the car. Not that he's bad but just because he holds the title, of potty-mouth patrol. Anytime Rachel has road rage or actually holds a conversation(she has a sailor's mouth), he blurt's out that she just said a bad word. So, if you know her like I do, than thats every 5 minutes. Can you just imagine from my passenger side point of view, Rachel trying to control a vehicle a 100 times her size, while yelling at Nikolas to shut the Fuck up, with his potty-mouth patrol? Now, I know why they're called o'shit handles.

Friday, January 13, 2006

It May Not be Webster's Definition

After writing my latest blog and the many others, I realized I could have some sort of screw loose, so I found the perfect definition for my actions. The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they are okay, then it's you. Now, I wouldn't be overly concerned by this fact...sanity is a one trick pony...thats all you trick...reality. The insane, however, have all sorts of options. For example: if a sane person tells you they've found Jesus, one immediatly knows to batton down the hatches and prepare for religous assault. If an insane person tells you they've found Jesus you lean just a little closer and listen intently knowing very well there is a significant chance Jesus was hiding behind the sofa the whole time. I claiming I'm insane? No. Nor am I claiming absolute sanity either...I'm normal, just like almost everyone else...sane enough to see reality for what it truly is, and loopy enough to fit that reality into my own little world...even if I have to chip the edges a little stuffing it in the box.

So, on the other hand of my dating fiascos the reality is: I ain't perfect. But, I like many of my imperfections. The reality: I ain't lookin' for perfect. Just someone who's imperfections thrill me as much as my own do. Afterall, that would be perfect...wouldn't it?

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!!!

I have these moments where I catch myself daydreaming or laughing out loud about something that I've done or talked about. Don't act like you haven't done it too. Lately everything goofy that has happened, occurred with my roommate Rachel. I realized how goofy we both can be. I mean we are pretty normal girls but we definitely have our moments. And it's not just stuff that we do but what other's do that we make fun of.

Recently, Raych was having a conversation with her "not boyfriend material" boyfriend, if you know what I mean, and he told her how him and the guys make this bet. Have you heard of the clothing store The Buckle? Well, what they've been trying to accomplish is running into the store, touching the back wall, and making it back out, without being stopped by a sales person. I guess the employees work off of commission and it's been impossible for them to do. So, we both think they're completely retarded until this one stormy day...... Yes, you got it, we attempted the mission. Just picture this..... we walk casually into the store, kind of like an inconspicious pair of inspector gadgets, although we were still in our non-Buckle like work clothes. I get almost to the back wall and Raych and I have this giddy grin on our face. As I go to touch it, this salesman blurts out, "You Lost!!!" What the hell was that all about? I mean he didn't even ask if he could help us. When did this fricken game become as popular as "Tag"? It was embarrassing, especially when he threw out the 4 year old- "You Lost" line. I think thats pretty bad when the employees know about the damn game. Don't they know we're making fun of them??? Anyways, that didn't stop us... You guessed it again. We tried a couple weeks later and in your face, Eric, we did it.....nah-nah-na-nah-nah.

That's just one of our recent incidents when we took the little bus with our pink helmets...(no pun intended to anyone in that situation). We've had some real pee-in-your-pants moments. Maybe one of these nights, after we sit down to our sophisticated dinner of tuna helper and red wine, we'll write down all the shit that happened this past year. If you're lucky you might read the story about Mr. Penis in El Paso or Sporty Spice with the knee pads at The Male Review. If though, by any chance you've done something ridiculous in front of us and it gets posted, don't be mad that we laughed.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy F-In New Year!!!!

So, my survival guide got me through 2005....let's try it again this year. I have to admit that it has started off pretty good so far. Besides the sadness my roomie was going through because of a guy.....why did God make them again??? We had a trip planned....okay maybe not exactly planned but we were going to go to Phoenix for the New Year. Then the one thing that we are both good at, which is shopping, failed us. We couldn't find shit to wear. Unless we were going to dazzle the scene with some shimmer, shimmer gold beads, on our purse, skirt, shoes and blouse. You know that 2005 style that all the stores are selling that makes you look like a fricken belly dancer. Yeah, we weren't about to roll into the club lookin-like-my-grandma. So, since we had to stay in the exciting town of Albuquerque, we did make a trip to Santa Fe to do our shopping (if that doesn't sound conceited).

We definitely were smoking.....This was one of my best New Year's so far. Again, overlooking the tears from my roommate but that wasn't until after 2am. We went to Maloney's downtown and surprisingly it was fun. There was no cover charge, awesome music, friends, and free drinks. Well, the drinks were only free because Raych had people feel me up. But what the hell, it was New Year's, right??? No matter how packed that place was, we made ourselves a dance floor, a dance table, a dance wall, and a dance pole. About 1am we decided to take a journey around downtown, half naked, in heels and drunk. We even worked our way a few blocks down to the Hilton, where the elevator got stuck on the 9th floor & we were going to the 18th. That didn't stop us from partying....we walked our drunk asses through those stairwells.

The night ended even better for me. Remember, that blog with the name Nick in it. Well, that's where I ended. Oh, yeah so I don't sound like a tramp, I'm not dating John anymore. Our differences got the best of us. But since I was dating Nick previously we kind of have a history, so I was all for seeing him. He's that kind of guy that you feel so comfortable around, no matter how sober or drunk you are. Plus, I have this little girl crush on him that I'm trying to shake because it'll just eat me up if I don't. So, I figured it's New Year's and I'm looking and feeling sexy, why not go in for the kill?? Wow, kissing him was naughty. The rest of the morning is confidential and adult rated, so I won't explain how exactly my New Year began, but it was worth every second and every feeling that went into it. I just don't see how the girl he's been talking to can treat him the way that she does.... but to-each-his-own. I'm just thankful for the friends I have and I look foward to another year with each one of them..... Rock on 2006!