My Motto-Dealing with the Burdens of Life

*If you can't be kind, talk shit w/ your girlfriends or at least have the decency to be vague. *Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once. *Remember "I" before "E" except in Budweiser. *A professional is a person who can do "her" best at a time when "she" doesn't particularly feel like it. *A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

Friday, January 13, 2006

It May Not be Webster's Definition

After writing my latest blog and the many others, I realized I could have some sort of screw loose, so I found the perfect definition for my actions. The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they are okay, then it's you. Now, I wouldn't be overly concerned by this fact...sanity is a one trick pony...thats all you trick...reality. The insane, however, have all sorts of options. For example: if a sane person tells you they've found Jesus, one immediatly knows to batton down the hatches and prepare for religous assault. If an insane person tells you they've found Jesus you lean just a little closer and listen intently knowing very well there is a significant chance Jesus was hiding behind the sofa the whole time. I claiming I'm insane? No. Nor am I claiming absolute sanity either...I'm normal, just like almost everyone else...sane enough to see reality for what it truly is, and loopy enough to fit that reality into my own little world...even if I have to chip the edges a little stuffing it in the box.

So, on the other hand of my dating fiascos the reality is: I ain't perfect. But, I like many of my imperfections. The reality: I ain't lookin' for perfect. Just someone who's imperfections thrill me as much as my own do. Afterall, that would be perfect...wouldn't it?


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