My Motto-Dealing with the Burdens of Life

*If you can't be kind, talk shit w/ your girlfriends or at least have the decency to be vague. *Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once. *Remember "I" before "E" except in Budweiser. *A professional is a person who can do "her" best at a time when "she" doesn't particularly feel like it. *A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Am I Destined to be Single

So, I'm 25 and like Tyler Durden the "office geek", I lead a single serving life. Where's my Marla???? Of course, not that gender. Maybe it's me. I mean I get dates like the current squeeze. His name is John and I refer to him as Robo-Cop. Well, actually my clever and comedic roommate made that one up. But wouldn't you think with a rap sheet like this: college degree, respectable family values, employee of local police dept, great teeth, training to bodybuild and no height deficiency, that he would spark all interest from me.....well, no. I literally think I only have dating A.D.D. I mean come on, how many people get bored at such a fast rate. Maybe these men have too many good qualities and I need a bad ass......wait, I had one of those and I left him too. Okay, so it is me. Do they offer therapy for someone with such a diagnosis? Or should I just continue my dating spree? I think I am destined to be single, at least for the next 10 years and then I'll hit menopause and I won't want a man for another 5 years.


  • At 2:46 PM, Blogger Rachel said…

    You will find your soalmate when you least expect it! Always your Clever and Comedic roommate, Rachel


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