My Motto-Dealing with the Burdens of Life

*If you can't be kind, talk shit w/ your girlfriends or at least have the decency to be vague. *Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once. *Remember "I" before "E" except in Budweiser. *A professional is a person who can do "her" best at a time when "she" doesn't particularly feel like it. *A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy F-In New Year!!!!

So, my survival guide got me through 2005....let's try it again this year. I have to admit that it has started off pretty good so far. Besides the sadness my roomie was going through because of a guy.....why did God make them again??? We had a trip planned....okay maybe not exactly planned but we were going to go to Phoenix for the New Year. Then the one thing that we are both good at, which is shopping, failed us. We couldn't find shit to wear. Unless we were going to dazzle the scene with some shimmer, shimmer gold beads, on our purse, skirt, shoes and blouse. You know that 2005 style that all the stores are selling that makes you look like a fricken belly dancer. Yeah, we weren't about to roll into the club lookin-like-my-grandma. So, since we had to stay in the exciting town of Albuquerque, we did make a trip to Santa Fe to do our shopping (if that doesn't sound conceited).

We definitely were smoking.....This was one of my best New Year's so far. Again, overlooking the tears from my roommate but that wasn't until after 2am. We went to Maloney's downtown and surprisingly it was fun. There was no cover charge, awesome music, friends, and free drinks. Well, the drinks were only free because Raych had people feel me up. But what the hell, it was New Year's, right??? No matter how packed that place was, we made ourselves a dance floor, a dance table, a dance wall, and a dance pole. About 1am we decided to take a journey around downtown, half naked, in heels and drunk. We even worked our way a few blocks down to the Hilton, where the elevator got stuck on the 9th floor & we were going to the 18th. That didn't stop us from partying....we walked our drunk asses through those stairwells.

The night ended even better for me. Remember, that blog with the name Nick in it. Well, that's where I ended. Oh, yeah so I don't sound like a tramp, I'm not dating John anymore. Our differences got the best of us. But since I was dating Nick previously we kind of have a history, so I was all for seeing him. He's that kind of guy that you feel so comfortable around, no matter how sober or drunk you are. Plus, I have this little girl crush on him that I'm trying to shake because it'll just eat me up if I don't. So, I figured it's New Year's and I'm looking and feeling sexy, why not go in for the kill?? Wow, kissing him was naughty. The rest of the morning is confidential and adult rated, so I won't explain how exactly my New Year began, but it was worth every second and every feeling that went into it. I just don't see how the girl he's been talking to can treat him the way that she does.... but to-each-his-own. I'm just thankful for the friends I have and I look foward to another year with each one of them..... Rock on 2006!


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