My Thursday Thirteen
I haven't had a whole lot of random thoughts but because of a few people that came back into my life from the past, I've had thoughts about, " what if"??? Basically, if I kept things a certain way in my life, what would it be like now.
I haven't had a whole lot of random thoughts but because of a few people that came back into my life from the past, I've had thoughts about, " what if"??? Basically, if I kept things a certain way in my life, what would it be like now.
- What If I hadn't moved to Arizona when I was 12, then I might be the ring leader for 18th street gang and replacing my smudged eyebrows with a sharpie marker.
- What If my best friend at the time didn't have a baby when she was 14 and scare the shit out of me, then it might've been me making that stupid decision.
- What If I wasn't out enjoying my teenage years so much, then I might've enjoyed those academically correct classes I took.
- What If I enjoyed the academically correct classes, then I still wouldn't be in college. Oh, wait that's just because I met the EX.
- What If I loved my friend Carlos like he loves me, then I'd be touring the country with a professional PGA golfer.
- What If I didn't have this spontaneous personality, then I'd have led a boring and uneventful life.
- What If I could get over this small crush I have on someone named Thomas, then I might be mature enough to attempt another relationship.
- What If I didn't have the ability to be independant with the support of my family and friends, then I'd be struggling to lean on someone and I'd be starving for attention.
- What If I only settled for less, then I wouldn't have the confidence and desire to achieve and want more than just average.
- What If I never applied for that Macy's credit card when I was 18, then I'd be driving a Mercedes, have 6 less credit cards and still living in AZ.
- What If I never took my internship at ESI, then I would've lost the chance to know some of the closest friends I have.
- What If I took a bite out of the apple sooner, then I would've never met the 7 dwarfs.
- What If I never fell in love with Estevan, then I wouldn't know what love was and that it could create the one person that steals my breathe away.
At 4:02 PM,
Azgreeneyes said…
Nice ones.... Told you not to get the Macy's card!!!
At 2:57 PM,
Rachel said…
Lets max out the rest of them....what friends from ESI? U aint got any!
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