My Motto-Dealing with the Burdens of Life

*If you can't be kind, talk shit w/ your girlfriends or at least have the decency to be vague. *Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once. *Remember "I" before "E" except in Budweiser. *A professional is a person who can do "her" best at a time when "she" doesn't particularly feel like it. *A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Grand Marquis vs Jetta Turbo
I went car shopping this weekend and let me tell you, it was the funniest experience I've had. For, the people other than my close friends, who know that I have a shopping addiction, wouldn't also know that I've pretty much maxed out my credit cards. So, in result I don't have very good credit. This makes things hard when trying to by a car, especially one that you would really want. But I went about my shopping with high hopes to getting something that I would be happy with.
All that shattered, when I arrived at Lomas Auto Mall. And yes, I'm saying the name in case any of my attractive, shopaholic friends need a car. Don't go there!!! This is why........ I was approached by your average salesman, maybe not average in height, but sales skills. I told him right off that I didn't have perfect credit and I was looking for something reliable, cheap, and somewhat trendy. He took me inside and said that he would see what he could do. As he went about his business, this old creepy man in cowboy attire, asked if I was being taken care of. I was polite and said yes, but he kept checking on me. Come to find out he was the owner. But that doesn't excuse his creepiness. So, Mario, my salesman, told me he had a car that I would qualify for. I was stoked. Keep in mind I told him what I wanted. We walk out to the lot and as we approach this rusty, old Grand Marquis, he proceeds to say that this is the car.
Whoa, pause.......rewind. Didn't I say reliable, cheap, and trendy? Who did he think I was? A member of Valley Garden's Gang. I understand he was trying to help but they wanted $7000.00 for that car, that's not cheap. It was missing 3 hubcaps, the front grill, some tint and I think a few patches on the seat. And reliable......... would they pay for my funeral when I get shot because I'm confused for Little Sad Eyes as I'm driving down Central? Now, what about trendy? Maybe he thought I was moving to Los Angeles, where this car would be a trend but I'm not. So, I go on to tell him "Hell no". He had the nerve to ask "why not". I told him first off, I don't want a car like that and plus I live with a roommate, so how was I going to fit that bad boy in my garage. I would need a boat license to keep it on my property.
He left it alone after I persisted that I wasn't buying it. But they had nothing else to offer me, except.....get this.......... himself. He asked, since he already had my number, if he could take me out sometime. I didn't think he was serious until I got a phone call from him yesterday. Maybe he can take the Marquis on our first date.
Anyway, I did purchase a car and it turned out to be a good thing. I went to University Volkswagen and low and behold my sales lady was a family friend from about 27 years ago. I got an awesome deal on a Jetta GLS Turbo, fully loaded with butt warmers. It is pre-owned but the owners were 2 flaming gay guys. You can't get any better than that!!!! So, I hope my car shopping days are over for awhile because these car lots freak me the hell out.


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