My Motto-Dealing with the Burdens of Life

*If you can't be kind, talk shit w/ your girlfriends or at least have the decency to be vague. *Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once. *Remember "I" before "E" except in Budweiser. *A professional is a person who can do "her" best at a time when "she" doesn't particularly feel like it. *A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Moving day and more....

It's Monday and I've never been happier to see the beginning of the week. The year had started off good until about a week and 1/2 ago. I think that's because Raych and I didn't have a home yet to move into but miracles do happen. And boy, let me tell you that this one was good. In a week we found a new home and when I say new, I mean it was just built, never lived in, no sexual deeds, no vomitting parties, nothing.... But let me break it down for you on how my week went.

  1. It started good because we got this beautiful home. Then we had to meet the 3rd party members that were handling the paperwork for the original owner and god bless them because they are family friends but they're Asian. I don't think they understood one word were trying to discuss with them about the contract. For all I know, I could have signed up for free manicures and all-you-can eat buffets.
  2. After getting that taken care of, I'm stressing over the fact that I'm actually going to have to move, while I go to school, go to work, be a mother and find a fricken vehicle that I can use to carry all the shit I have. I could've strapped the kid, I mean the boxes to the roof of my 2-door Nissan.
  3. While the stress factor has kicked in, my body decides to throw in a cold sore, instead of a fricken zit. I swear that's all that it is. It takes making out with someone to get anything else and if you all remember I'm not good in that area. So, while we have all these people in and out of our old house, I'm walking around with tissue stuck to my cold sore, so the impression that I cut myself shaving is in everyone else's mind. Like that's what I was going for!!
  4. Then as I already have a full schedule, I figure what the hell and throw in a blind date....fungus and all. He had been wanting to meet, and I mean he, as in John(a new John). He's a pilot for the Air Force and I knew his schedule was just as busy as mine. So, 10:30pm on Thursday I'm out knocking back a few cold ones. I actually needed that. Too bad he doesn't know that Raych works for Kirtland Air Force Base and I had her look him up. Is that not normal???? At least I know what kind of underwear he wears....just kidding.
  5. Now it's the weekend and we're completely out of the old house but I still have my stuff in storage, which is about 20 miles away, one way. And I still don't have the vehicle space except for my little ol grandpa's 1932 Ford. I had to go from Uhaul to Uhaul, with tissue stuck to my face to find an available trailer. But yeah, I got one. It was a Kodak moment though, because my dad(who isn't a little guy), my uncle, and I were all crammed in the front of the truck like we just crossed the border....we were just missing the colorful beads across the front of the windshield.
  6. I finished about 5pm on Saturday and with the exception, of my father complaining about puking in the truck, my mother calling me 10 times asking if I need help after she's knocked back a few, and worrying about the tissue stuck to my lips, it didn't go too bad. I then treated my dad to a few beers, which was a mistake after he announced to the bar that his daughter had her boobs done. He sounded like Rachel on New Year's. I think he just said that because of the young guy sitting next to him. I love my father......always thinking about his daughter's love life.

So, this concludes my exciting week. I now have to finish unpacking, reorganizing and decorating. That might just be another blog. Although, Rachel might blog sooner about that subject, especially if she doesn't like where I put shit.


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