My Motto-Dealing with the Burdens of Life

*If you can't be kind, talk shit w/ your girlfriends or at least have the decency to be vague. *Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once. *Remember "I" before "E" except in Budweiser. *A professional is a person who can do "her" best at a time when "she" doesn't particularly feel like it. *A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

Monday, March 27, 2006

My Perfect Day......

Yesterday I had a really good day........ I once told myself that a perfect day for me would go a certain way. I even used to ask the guys I'd go on dates with, what their perfect day would be like and vice versa. It wasn't until the last answer to Nick that I realized my perfect day is something that I want to experience soon. But yesterday was close to it in so many factors that I almost want to change how my perfect day would actually go now.

I went with some friends on a ride to a small town about 40 miles East of Albuquerque. Our intentions were to take the street bikes out on a nice day and it just so happened that a film with John Travolta was being filmed in NM, so we headed that way. I rode with Scot....... Scot, is someone I've known for awhile but I'm now trying to get to"know" him. It was a nice, spontaneous, adrenaline rush.... It's not like we were hailing ass but it was just the feeling of being on a bike and holding on to someone who has control of your destiny. The town we entered is called Madrid, and it was so intriguing and tiny, yet it had tons of visitors. We ate at the local restaurant/bar and of course, those places have the best damn food. They also had live music, which resulted in a dosey-doe type song and dancing in a circle around the dining area. Fricken-A I got up and joined, actually everyone did and it was so fun! We were in a foreign territory and enjoying every minute of it. After dinner, we drove through the town for a scenic route before heading back.

The night didn't consist of no fancy excursions or pre-planned rendezvous. I enjoyed every second of it. I hope this day was a good sign in my decision to finally pursue that someone. Now that I think about it, when I said that I've thought about changing my perfect day, I think I actually meant I'm going to try that perfect day. It may just be the day that I really didn't need to make things perfect!!!

Here it is:

I'd wake up at 6:00am to an empty, quiet apartment, in a king size bed with my down comforter wrapped tight around me. I'll just lie there for about 15 min and then slightly stretch across the bed with the hesitation of getting up. Making my way to the bathroom, I slip on my slippers and grab a ponytail holder. As I walk to the kitchen, I turn the TV on and switch it to ABC because I know the Today Show will be coming on. I flip on my coffee maker and put just enough for one cup. While I wait, I grab some fruit and yogurt and throw it in a bowl. It is 6:45 and I know I have 15 min to get relaxed on the couch to watch Katie Couric. Coffee in one hand and fruit in the other, with the Today Show on the tube; I know it's going to be a good day.

I barely get a 1/2 an hour in, when there's a knock on my door. Out of curiosity, I answer it and to my dismay it's my male companion (I'll name him BOB). Bob says, "Get ready we're going out for the day". Without hesitation, I head for the shower. Once I'm in, I yell to Bob to sit and talk with me while he waits. My shower probably would've been shorter but I couldn't stop laughing at the jokes that he is telling me. Clueless about our day's schedule, I get ready in a simple manner. He tells me to grab several items because the day is a surprise to him too.

It's 9:00am and we're out the door. Our journey begins with a calming hour and a 1/2 drive to the next city, while we both are bobbing our heads to an 80's music station. I see this small trendy shopping center ahead and of course, we park at one end of it. I get out, stretch, and give a glance of wonderment. We spend the next 2 and a 1/2 hours walking in and out of every little shop along the strip. There were candles, toys, costumes, books, candy, antiques, jewelry and even adult content. We played like we were 10 yrs old and didn't have a care at who paid attention to us. I can't stop laughing about the lady that gave us a disgusted look when were running around the perfume counter spraying each other with the most ungodly smells we could find. I was so embarrassed to walk with him because he smelt like a cheap bouquet of flowers. And not to mention the skit that was pulled in the costume shop; it gives me cramps just thinking about it.

It's 1:00pm and we need a break and a meal. There's this little sandwich shop on the corner that looks delish. And it was. After lunch and our amazing conversation, we decide that we don't want to drive home, so we check into a small room resort. I just wanted to sit in a hot tub and relax, while sipping a margarita. Bob didn't mind the suggestion one bit. We continued laughing about the most non-idealistic things. It was already 5:30, so wrinkles and all we decided to get out. I still had no idea what was next in the plans for the day, so I sat on the bed, with my legs curled to my chest and waited for my instructions. Bob decided to take a shower first, so I tried my comical skills on him while I waited but yeah, that didn't work. I gave up and just jumped in the shower after he was done. While I was enjoying the hard water pressure that comes with hotel showers, Bob went down to a local woman's shop and came back with this sexy yet simple black dress with these cute black heels. Only a man who listened and knew me could get that right. I was completely blown, plus I knew that meant we were doing something classy and exciting.

Dressed to impress, we head out of the room at 8:00pm, with no idea of our destination. I remember passing this quaint Italian restaurant coming into town and low and behold there was a nightclub on the opposite corner. We wait patiently for a remote table and socialize with the staff. We sit and order a bottle of red wine because that is my favorite. I order the shrimp pasta with a small portion of manicotti and Bob orders the chicken parmigiana because he knows I'll want a bite. I couldn't ask for a more perfect dinner setting and it seems endless. Our conversation is small yet satisfying. After dinner, we slowly and subtly walk over to the nightclub we spotted. Perfect timing, its almost 10pm and people are just showing up. We get inside and I suggest that we take a shot of something that he has never had, so that I may have the enjoyment of his reaction. The DJ plays this heart pounding song and I drag him to the dance floor.

The night feels like it has just started. Dancing, sweating, laughing and a few drinks to add. I'm starting to dwindle down in energy and the time has come to go back to the room. Not too bad, we get back to the hotel about 1am. Although, we can't resist racing to the room and making as much noise that'll echo through the hotel's halls. I get into the room first because I think Bob let me win but before he could kick off his shoes, I'm comfortably thrown onto the bed. He takes my shoes off and slips an oversized t-shirt on me. I slide under the covers, warm and relaxed, and whisper a small, "Thank you".


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