Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Crash Test Dummy
So, this weekend I inherited another nickname, given to me by my best friend (besides "stalker"), which is "Crash Test Dummy". It's not really a subject to joke about considering I'm lucky to be untouched.
I had an eye opening experience and literally I mean "eye opening" because this accident is a result of me somewhat falling asleep at the wheel. Let's just say school and work took a toll on me that night. My whole purpose of getting out of this state was to relax, spend time with family and friends, and shop!! I didn't come close to any of those. If I only had a cocaine problem then I wouldn't be in this predicament. One huge rail would have kept me awake the whole time. But unfortunately all I do that keeps me energetic, is large amounts of red bull and the occasional sexual rendezvous ( too bad that's only occasional). It might've helped if I got a little riled up before my drive.
I'm just glad to be back home safe and sound. And since this was a life changing experience, I want to give my Academy Award Speech.
"I do want to say thank you to the officer that stopped and ticketed me, the cute guy named Leonard that stopped to comfort me, the drunk native americans that tried to help, the ambulance that passed right by me, the tow truck dude that picked up the parts of my car, Maricopa County for making such reliable property (guard rail), my best friend that woke up at 1am to relieve me of my stress, and Nissan for making a damn good little sports car that saved mine and my son's life".
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Stalk or to Stalk (verb)
A general definition of it, constitutes pursuing a person, without their knowledge or approval by making yourself present in their presence. http://www.thesleaze.co.uk/celebstalkers.html.
Well, this weekend I happened to have inherited that title. With no names mentioned, of course my friends who know me and read my blogs, will have an idea of who I'm talking about. You see, I thought I had a guy friend that had the same mutual friendship feelings that I had. We agreed, after our small dating session, to remain friends. He'd call me randomly and give me updates on his love life and there was the occasion phone messages from him with needy gestures. I'd also call him to hang out and jokingly harrass him but it wasn't until recently that I actually got worried about him. If he seems to think I'm a weirdo for doing so, then let me let you decide if he's right.
He got involved with a girl that had a few toooooo many screws loose. After, a night of drinking and her drug usage ( I wasn't around for this but it's from his mouth), they headed back to his place driving down one of Albuquerque's main roads. Here goes the good part....... she precedes to open the passenger door, while the car is in motion, and jumps outs. Yes, I said "jumps out". Kind of like a James Bond movie, but she didn't use a stunt dummy, she was the dummy. He then runs over her, I think it was partial of her leg or something but she gets up and runs to the nearest gas station. He's freaking out, she's freaking out and the gas attendant is freaking out. She begs not to have the cops called and tells him to leave. So, he does. The next day she goes into his place of work, crying, and apologizes that she's basically a weirdo.
Now, you tell me, would you still remain in a relationship of any kind with someone that jeopardized your career, your trust, your friendship, and most of all your freedom?
After getting a phone call from him about all this, I had this small part of me that remained worried. Isn't that what friends do? Well, since this happened I would periodically check to see how he was doing. I'll admit one night my message was a little more adult rated than normal but I apologized. And that night, I did get him into trouble with this week long new girlfriend. I didn't know, so I told him that I'd back away.
A couple weeks passed and I hadn't heard from him, so Raych and I, during a night of drunken phone calls, gave him one. Still no response. I waited a few days to text him and gave him the opportunity to tell me to fuck off or that he was still living. Still no response. So, of course as a friend would do because I was never told I wasn't one, I felt something was wrong. Assuming the bad isn't the best way to go but it always comes first. A few more days pass and he hasn't responded to any of those other previous attempts, so as I was coming home from the mall I noticed his car was at work. He works on the same street as the mall, so no extra attempts from me. That's when I knew he was just ignoring me. I told him that I saw his car and that I no longer needed confirmation of his livelihood and I wished him the best.
His immature response was.....you stalker. Evidently, his degree didn't define that for him. I can't believe he could be so inconsiderate and immature to not tell me in the 1st place that he didn't want my friendship and then to blurt out a response like that. You really think you see the true sides of people, who praise honesty and openness, but some people need to look in the mirror and really judge themselves. It actually hurt. I think because I thought I had a good, honest, trustworthy, mature guy friend, which is very rare(and it still is), but in all perspective it was a temporary friendship for him to satisfy his need for a female friendship until he filled it.
The part of being called a stalker doesn't bother me because I know and my friends know, that I'm a passive and patient person and that doesn't come close to a stalker, so I'm completely acceptable with that label from someone. Although, I want people to know that don't know the word-for-word detail on this whole situation, that if was to stalk someone, it would be for a good reason, like sex or money!!! And nah, that wasn't one of the reasons here.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Beauty is in the eye of the Beerholder
I think we concluded after watching the movie "Road Trip" last night (because it has some fugly actors), and our experience in the women's restroom at Maloney's on Saturday, that some breeding shouldn't occur. So, our defense from now on comes from the Famous, Joey on Friends.... "When you look this good on the outside, who cares what's on the inside." God bless to all you good looking people that are breeding good looking off-spring.