My Motto-Dealing with the Burdens of Life

*If you can't be kind, talk shit w/ your girlfriends or at least have the decency to be vague. *Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once. *Remember "I" before "E" except in Budweiser. *A professional is a person who can do "her" best at a time when "she" doesn't particularly feel like it. *A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

So, I haven't made much effort as you can see to dish out my life to the public. And whoa, has it been interesting!!! I figured the best way to make a come back is to enlighten myself and of course, YOU, with some of the thoughts that I've had lately. Again, these are only SOME. I tend to think irrationally on a regular basis.

  1. Why is it during the holidays that one family you don't really care to visit, buys you something? Which just means you have to go to the 24hour Walgreens you've been avoiding and return the gesture.
  2. Per conversation with Rachel, I found out that there's a website dedicated to talking Shit about those visionally challenged people who put up the ugly Christmas lights and fixtures on their lawns. I knew she had an issue with it but I never expected there to be a support group.....
  3. Furthermore...... the 24 hour Walgreens listed above sells lights, in all one color for usually around 3/$10.00, so if you're a SPECIAL person that puts ugly mismatched lights up, then stop avoiding the Walgreens.
  4. Remember when New Years used to be about making resolutions and being excited to start those resolutions. Well, if you still do that, don't share them with everyone because I will be the one who points at you and laughs when in 2 months you're shoving that 2lb piece of birthday cake in your fat face and I knew you resoluted to stop eating sweets. Resolutions are made to exist during mid-year so that you feel good about your accomplishments by the time the next year starts. Don't give me a reason to laugh......
  5. I thought the 3rd time is a charm.... in the year 2006 I dated approx. 8 different guys. Of course over half were just dinner dates but what the hell happened to that old saying. I should get a fricken Emmy for proving the dumbass wrong that created the saying.
  6. I officially dislike the snow. There hasn't been one night that I've gotten drunk that I haven't fell on my damn knees. I used to blame the 4 in heels but now it's the snow....... of course, it's never the liquor!!!!
  7. I have nothing against lesbians but they shouldn't be allowed to fondled us non-lesbians without permission or sobriety....... Wait, it could be the snow?????
  8. Could OCD be genetic???
  9. I didn't make a resolution but my fat ass needs to run...............
  10. I just added 4 new pairs of heels to my wardrobe and I still don't think I have a problem..... When I hit 100, I will make sure I blog completely on that!
  11. Sex on the top ROCKS!!!!
  12. I meant that as a drink (oops!)
  13. I have a boyfriend and I'm happy......(because I'm on the top)!!!!!